Your Photo printed on Premium 100% Cotton Canvas, Framed using Gallery Stretcher Bars

High quality frames

Our stretcher bars are not just made from any old piece of wood but from the best spruce, free from knots and completely straight, to create the finest canvas stretcher frames available.

The finger joints at each end are precision cut so they fit together beautifully with a few knocks from a rubber mallet.

They incorporate slots for cross braces, where necessary. Dont be fooled by cheaper bolser wood alternatives, they will feel cheap and will warp very quickly.


How it works

There is a simple three step process to get your photos on canvas:

  1. Place Your Order

    Just fill out an order form by clicking the following link order form

  2. Send Your Photos

    Once you have completed your order, you will be given instructions on how to send your photos

  3. Receive Your Order

    within 5 working Days

Canvas print sizes/prices

Canvas size

Price per print

12.0” x 8.0” (approx. A4)


16.0” x 12.0” (approx. A3)


22.0” x 16.0” (approx. A2)


Why choose us?

  • Photographic and Print experts with a wealth of experience in the industry
  • Tailor made service, choose edge colour free enlargement
  • Free effects (B&W or Sepia), Free Image assessment and split canvas service
  • Canvas material made from 100% cotton, not Polyester based canvas (plastic)
  • Inks used will not fade in sunlight and produce the most vibrant prints
  • Lowest prices, highest quality
  • UK based family business offering the most personal of services
  • Delivered safely within 3 days of your order